Aya de Yopougon

Aya de Yopougon


March 12, 2015    
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm


Event Type


Aya de Yopougon

Thursday, 12th March 2015, 6.30PM

M.L Bhartia Auditorium – Alliance Française de Delhi
Free entry – Open to all

Initial release : July 17, 2013
Director : Marguerite Abouet, Clément Oubrerie
Running time : 88 minutes
French with English Subs.


Aya de Yopougon, an animated comedy, is showing In cinemas all over France on Wednesday.
The animation revolves around a female protagonist, Aya, who is described as a beautiful 19-year-old living in an Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire) neighborhood known as Yopougon. The timeline for the film is the 70s, just under two decades after Cote d’Ivoire had attained its independence from France and was experiencing exponential growth with the burgeoning middle class.
Aya is focused on getting an education so that she can become a doctor, while her two closest friends seem to have other priorities. Bintu is a friend who is characterized as both gullible and materialistic, which is why a certain Gregoire easily dupes her (he passes himself off as a rich Parisian in order to sleep with as many women as he can, while in reality, he is just another broke fellow).


Fin des années 1970, en Côte d’Ivoire à Yopougon, quartier populaire d’Abidjan. C’est là que vit Aya, 19 ans, une jeune fille sérieuse qui préfère rester étudier à la maison plutôt que de sortir avec ses copines. Aya partage ses journées entre l’école, la famille et ses deux meilleures amies : Adjoua et Bintou, qui ne pensent qu’à aller gazer en douce à la nuit tombée dans les maquis. Les choses se gâtent lorsque qu’Adjoua se retrouve enceinte par mégarde. Que faire ?

TRAILER :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ncetcWlwGc

For more information, please write to [email protected]