Fête de la musique at Hauz Khas Village

Type: Event
Location: Hauz Khas Village
City: Delhi
Date: Wed, 2012/06/20 – 7:00pm
Category: Concert


Fête de la musique at Hauz Khas Village

A musical event organized by Alliance Française de Delhi in collaboration with Hauz Khas Trader’s Association

On Wednesday, 20 June 2012, from 7:00pm onwards


On June 21, the whole world celebrates music in its different forms and manifestations through the “Fête de la Musique”, a day dedicated to the promotion of music, created by the French Ministry of Culture which first took place in 1982 in Paris. Since this first edition, this event has known a growing success, and has become an international highlight of amateur and professional practice and of musical diversity. This is also a very special occasion for many people in many different countries to attend free live performances, in all kinds of places, even the most unusual ones.

This celebration of music has today reached the city of Delhi. Taking part in the festivities, Alliance Française will organize a series of musical events in collaboration with the HauzKhas Trader’s Association. A wide range of genre, musicians and type of shows will be presented during all this evening, from 7:00 pm onwards, to promote the diversity of music, so that everybody will find a performance to his liking.

The “Fête de la musique” is a celebration open to everybody, to bring together all music lovers. Among all the musical events to be held in Hauz Khas Village on 20th June, some are calling for the participation of amateur or professional artists, to enjoy all the diversity of music, in every language or genre, and to show every kind of talents.







The place.

The theme.


The whole night

Through the streets of HKV

Music Trail. Professional bands, solo performers and fire dancers



Elma’s bakery.

Apéro! Gainsbourg. An incentive to the big concert in Blue Frog on 21st: a Tribute to Serge Gainsbourg.



The Rose.*

Apéro! Slam. Podium and mike open to people willing to perform a slam in French, English or Hindi.



Outside, on the dead end before the historical monument.

Outdoor concert. October Unplugged. Organised by the Hauz Khas Traders Association.



Outside, in different locations of HKV.

Free concerts of local musicians. Everybody is invited to come. You bring your instruments, your friends, you find a place and… you play. 


Out of the Box.

World music concert. Antoine (France).

Chalo Africa (DRCongo).


The Living Room.

Italian Jazz. Paolo Fatori and the Ghost Crabs.


Outside Studio T49

Minimal House. DJ Thomas Walk. 


Diva Picoloa, Overtonez

Music, Whatsupbharat, Zo

Live concerts. Different programs. 


Somewhere else*…

Music as you wish. Any venue wanting to take Part in this celebration is free to join.



The additional information and call for participation


  • Evening slam at The Rose

The poetry slam was created by the American poet Marc Smith, in order to make poetry reading less elitist and less boring. Slam is mainly considered as an artistic movement defending values such as openness, sharing, freedom of expression or overcoming of social barriers.

By extension, a slam evening is an evening dedicated to poetry reading, following the principle of the open stage, or “open mic”, that is to say that anyone can recite a text if desired. That is precisely what is proposing the restaurant The Rose on 20th June 2012, from 7:00pm onwards.

You may say, read, sing, whisper or rap your slam.  No matter what is your style, your language or your way of expressing yourself, what counts the occupation of the stage and the oral / bodily sharing.


  • Classical music at Elma’s Bakery

Elma’s Bakery will organize an “aperitif concert”, on 20th June at 7:00 pm, a pleasant moment dedicated to classical music. The restaurant is providing a piano but all kind of musicians are welcome, to explore all the beauties of classical repertoire.


  • Free performances on the streets of HauzKhas Village

During all the evening, some places in the streets of HauzKhas Village will be available for free acoustic performances, in the original spirit of the “Fête de la musique”, a celebration open to all talents and musicians, performing freely at any kind of places.


If you like poetry and want to share your words, if you want to perform classical music or if you want to bring your musical talent down the street, therefore this is the opportunity.

For more information and for registration, please write to [email protected]