Online Concert by French Pianist Maxime Zecchini

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Concert Les plus célèbres oeuvres pour la main gauche au piano
The most celebrated piano pieces for the left hand
Date 19th September 2020
Time 7 pm
Platform Facebook & YouTube


The idea of exploring this repertoire, rich in 600 works, came to me a few years ago when I was studying for the first time the Concerto pour la Main Gauche by Maurice Ravel. The wonder of having the impression of hearing two hands when only five fingers were playing fascinated me.
These pieces demonstrate the immense possibilities of the left hand. Thanks to the arrangement of left-hand fingers, its natural flexibility, and the powerful register in the bass of the keyboard, it can even make the piano sound like an orchestra!
I am very happy to be able to discover the undeniable poetic richness of this original, virtuoso, and spectacular repertoire. – Maxime Zecchini

Maxime Zecchini, born in 1979, is a graduate of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris and the prestigious Imola Academy in Italy.
He has performed in some fifty countries around the world, and his ten-volume recording of an Anthology of Left Hand Works for the Ad Vitam Records label is a world first.
These records have received numerous awards in the national and international press.
He is the winner of many international competitions, and notably won the First Prize unanimously at the International Competition of Varenna-Lake Como in Italy.
He will notably make his debut at Carnegie Hall in New York in April 2021.