The Inner Path Festival.

The Inner Path Festival.


November 21, 2014 - November 24, 2014    
All Day


Event Type


along with

Alliance Française de Delhi


The 3rd Edition of

 The Inner Path

Festival of Buddhist Film, Art and Philosophy

in association with

International Buddhist Confederation

21st – 24th November 2014

Alliance Française de Delhi

72, Lodi Estate, New Delhi – 110003


The Inner Path Festival of Buddhism is the pioneering festival in India of Buddhist philosophy, aesthetics, art, culture and films.

The Inner Path attempts to take a new resurgence in Buddhist thought to a wider range of urban audiences at a time when violence and strife disrupt the fundamentals of our national secular culture. Each edition of the Festival presents to its audience celebrated works of visual & performing arts and other forms of creative and cultural expression, philosophy, discourse and discussions related to Buddhism from across the world. In the past we have had discourses by people of such eminence as His Holiness the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa, Geshe Dorji Damdul, Ajarn Sulak Sivaraksa, Dr. Ravindra Panth, Prof. Askar Chingozovich Aikmatov, Prof. Lokesh Chandra, Dharmacharya Shantum Seth and Venerable Sumati Sasana.

This year the Festival is being held in collaboration with the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) and the Korean Cultural Centre. It will be held at the Alliance Française de Delhi, 72 Lodi Estate, from 21 to 24 November.

Organised by NETPAC-India, the 3rd edition of the 4-day Festival is scheduled between 21 and 24 November 2014 at the Alliance Francaise de Delhi, Lodhi Estate. The Festival comprises around 15 feature and documentary films on Buddhism, an Art Exhibition with about 19 artists whose work is related to Buddhism, an art camp, a Thangka painting demonstration, Discourses by eminent Buddhist practitioners and scholars, a panel discussion with artists and filmmakers, an opening night recital by Venerable Ani Choying Drolma, and for the closing night on the 24th we have a performance by the celebrated Kung-fu Nuns from Ladakh.


 Friday, 21st November 2014

5:00 pm : Inauguration – Art Exhibition

6:00 pm : Film – Matthieu Ricard, On the Path to Compassion (France, 52 mins)

7:15 pm : Concert – The Singing Nun (Ani Choying, Drolma, Nepal)

Saturday, 22nd November 2014

10:00 am : Film – Dharma River (USA, 81 mins)

11:25 am : Film – The Thread of Karma (India, 50 mins, Introduction by the directors)

12:25 pm : Film – On the Road (South Korea, 104 mins)

02:30 pm : Panel Discussion

04:15 pm : Film – 108 Yaks – A Journey of Love & Freedom (Nepal, 34 mins, Introduction by the directors)

05:00 pm : Discourse by Ven. Geshe Jangchup Choeden

06:15 pm : Film – Popiah (Singapore, 15 mins)

07:00 pm : Film – Avalokitesvara (China, 110 mins)

Sunday, 23rd November 2014

11:00 am : Film – King Fu Nuns (India, 26 mins, Introduction by co-producer Arjun Pandey)

11:45 am : Film – Vajra Sky Over Tibet (USA, 89 mins)

01:45 pm : Film – Monk with a Camera (USA, 90 mins)

03:30 pm : Film – Khandaro – A woman’s Path of Peace (The Netherlans, 62 mins, Introduction by the director)

05:00 pm : Discourse by Dato Ananda Kumaraseri (Malaysia)

06:30 pm : Film – My Mandala (Taiwan, 103 mins, Introduction by the director)

Monday, 24th November 2014

11:00 am : Film – Pad Yatra : A Green Odessey (India – Nepal – USA, 72 mins)

01:15 pm : Film – The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns (Australia, 34 mins)

02:00 pm : Thangka Painting Demonstration (Sidharth, India, 2 hours)

04:15 pm : Film – Prajna Earth (USA, 85 mins)

06:30 pm : Film – The Sun Beaten Path (China, 89 mins, Introduction by the Director)

08:15 pm : Performance : The Kung Fu Nuns