Francophone Travellers in India from the

City: New Delhi
Location: Center for French Studies, JNU
Date: Wed, 2011/03/23 -9:30am – 11:30am
Price: Free Admission, open to All
Category: Conference


Francophonie Week from 21st to 26th March

Seminar presented by the Embassy of Switzerland

Wednesday, 23rd March at 9.30 am

at Center For French & Francophone Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Voyageurs d’expression française dans l’Inde

des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles


Francophone Travellers in India from the 

17th and 18th Century 









–        Grégoire HOLTZ (University of Toronto)

–        Frédéric TINGUELY (Université de Genève)