Alliance Française de Delhi (M L Bhartia Auditorium)


Alliance Française de Delhi, 72, Lodi Estate, K.K. Birla Lane,
New Delhi

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The Restoration Toolbox | Book Launch | Manifesto Release - September 19, 2024 - 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm

M L Bhartia Auditorium

Alliance Française de Delhi (M L Bhartia Auditorium)

M L Bhartia Auditorium located in Alliance Française de Delhi Campus is a cozy 112-seater facility that has been the venue of many an artistic event since its creation. Movie screenings (including Film Festivals), dance performances, intimate music soirees, theatre events, conferences, and seminars – have all been held in it. Ideally suited for intimate events, equipped with necessary audiovisual, light, and projection facilities.

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