Private Tuition

Learn French at your own pace with skilled French tutors, face-to-face or Online!

Our private tuition are tailored-made to fit your language goals and schedules.
They are an increasingly popular option among our students! Here are a few reasons why you should choose private French tuition with Alliance Française de Delhi:

  • Receive full attention from our professional language trainers and enjoy their continuous feedback as you progress. 
  • Work at building strengths and tackling weaknesses when preparing for tests and exams.
  • Go into more depth on general topics.
  • Personalize your programme according to your needs and / or preferences in learning French.
  • Choose your study schedule and learn French whenever you want

Our Private Course Offerings

  1. General French

    • Beginner to Advanced Levels: Comprehensive courses covering all aspects of the French language.
    • Conversational French: Improve your speaking and listening skills for everyday communication.
    • Grammar and Writing: Strengthen your understanding of French grammar and enhance your writing abilities.
  2. Specialized French

    • Business French: Tailored lessons for professional communication and business etiquette.
    • Travel French: Essential phrases and vocabulary for travelers.
    • Exam Preparation: Targeted preparation for DELF/DALF and other French language exams.
  3. Cultural Workshops

    • French Cuisine: Learn French through cooking classes and culinary experiences.
    • French Literature: Explore classic and contemporary French literature.
    • French Art and History: Dive into France’s rich cultural heritage.


“Taking private lessons at Alliance Française de Delhi has been a transformative experience. The personalized approach and expert guidance have significantly improved my French skills.”
Mohan Lal, Private Student

“The flexibility and tailored curriculum of the private courses fit perfectly with my busy schedule. I highly recommend Alliance Française de Delhi.”
Jessica Patel, Business Professional

Ready to start your personalized French learning journey? Contact us!

Contact us for Private Tuition