Tara Tots Grand Opening

Type: Event
City: Delhi
Date: Thu, 2012/04/26 – 7:00pm
Price: Free entry
Category: Performance

Thursday, 26 April 2012, 7:00 pm

M.L. Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Française de Delhi

After their amazing show during our Mela Day on the 24th March, the NGO Tara is coming back to Alliance Française de Delhi for a new event, in order to raise some funds, which will help to improve and to broaden the scope of their action to the benefit of underprivileged children in Delhi.

The program will include a brief presentation of the association and of its projects, of its different schemes to be sold during the evening, the projection of a virtual picture gallery carried out by the Belgian photographer Douglas Vanherpe (entitled “Tara through Douglas’eyes”), a screening of two short films created and shot by the children (“The Day We Met”, “Not A Simple Day”, respectively a drama and a comedy), and last but not the least, as conclusion of the event, a Bollywood Dance Show presented by all the boys of Tara. At the end of the show, the children will share an evening “goûter” with the audience.


Tara is a residential service with an emphasis on education for vulnerable children, whose families cannot provide them with a home. The child cannot be sent to school anymore, fed properly, or cared for in the family home. Without a decent education for the child, his or her future, as well as the welfare of the whole family, is compromised.

Tara is home to just 20 boys as they believe that a smaller family-like environment best enables children to overcome past difficulties and achieve their potential.  The emotional support afforded by a small tightly-knit unit, as well as activities that enable the children to work on their personal history and exposure to a high level of intellectual stimulation enables the boys to settle down and start learning.

Every day members of Tara are impressed by the huge strides they are making, and they believe that one day these children will serve their country at the highest level.

For more details, visit www.taraindia.org