Music Concert : Nyna Valès | 7th October 2016 | 7pm


October 7, 2016    
7:00 pm


Event Type

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The Nyna Vales duo was inspired by the peculiar music of Indian instruments and songs and was keen on incorporating this uniqueness into their latest album. As a trio, they will perform concerts in the state of Tamil Nadu. They will eventually include one or more musicians or amateur choirs, composed of students.

Moved by Indian music on their previous trips to Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Maharashtra, the duo envisioned coming back for an artistic venture. Touched by their experience while touring in China where students came on the stage on the spur of the moment to perform as choir, the duo plans on repeating this feat in India to give the audience an enriched experience.

Currently, their songs are a combination of acoustic, electric and electronic timbres along with classical or rock guitar, samplers and effects. Nyna Vales suggests that, after various encounters and training workshops on French songs, this will be an excellent way to get familiar with the French language and culture.