International Jazz Festival: Lorenzo Naccarato Trio (France)


September 23, 2017    
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Stain Auditorium, India Habitat Centre
Stain Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi, Delhi, 110003, Lodi road

Event Type

Under the umbrella of International Jazz Festival
Alliance Française de Delhi in association with
Indian Council for Cultural Relations

LORENZO NACCARATO TRIO (France) : Kinematic Jazz

Saturday, 23rd September 2017, 6:30pm
Nehru Park, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi


After studying classical piano for ten years, Lorenzo Naccarato starts a musicology curriculum at Toulouse university in 2007. With a specialization in jazz and improvised music, he conducts a research project around Thelonious Monk and participates in master classes under the supervision of Laurent Cugny, Franck Avitabile, Kenny Barron, Enrico Pieranunzi and Claude Tchamitchian, whose influence will be decisive in his approach to composition and ensemble playing. He thus develops a repertoire of compositions for piano solo and for trio (piano-double bass-drums).

Contacted by Radici, a Franco-Italian review, Lorenzo Naccarato writes the orchestrations of a show on the Italian cinema, Les Inoubliables. With an orchestra of seven musicians, among which Benjamin Naud, he is the pianist for the February 2014 performance at the Théâtre national de Toulouse.

After a bachelor’s degree in classical musicology, Benjamin Naud enters the jazz section of Toulouse conservatoire in 2007 to study drums. He participates in improvisation workshops by Richard Calléja and then completes his studies with Christian Salut, at the Dante Agostini school.

Between 2009 and 2012, he’s the drummer of the blues band Mannish Boys and as such gives more than 150 concerts in Europe. Passionate about the South-American repertoire, he records an album with Brazilian author, composer and interpret Carlos Papel in 2011.

Looking for ensembles providing more space for improvisation, he discovers with interest the compositions of pianist Lorenzo Naccarato. Their musical affinities confirmed, they decide in 2012 to form a trio with double bassist Adrien Rodriguez.

Initially a bassist, he studies classical double bass at Toulouse conservatoire and gets his third-cycle degree with honors. He therefore decides to major in jazz musicology at the university. At the same time, he collaborates to current music projects by the band Zèbre (ex Pauvres Martins).

He also participates in “ciné-concerts” (movie + live music) with Raphael Howson at the Cinémathèque de Toulouse.
He first meets Lorenzo Naccarato in 2010 during a masterclass by double bassist Claude Tchamitchian. Dedicating himself to jazz and alternative music, he joins the Lorenzo Naccarato Trio project from the onset, in 2012.