Play Screening – LA MARCHE DE RAMA


March 15, 2018    
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm


Event Type

About: A screening of the audiovisual recording of Alexis Martin’s et Daniel Brière’s play La marche de Rama which is an adaptation of the Indian epic Ramayana. The screening will be followed by a discussion with Alexis Martin (Artistic Director of the Nouveau Théâtre Expérimental, Montreal), Valavane Koumarane (Director of the Indianostrum Theatre, Pondicherry), Vasumathi Badrinathan (Professor at the Department of French, University of Mumbai), and Mohit Chandna (Professor at the Department of French, EFLU-Hyderabad).

As part of the Mois de la Francophonie, the Quebec Government Office in Mumbai organizes, in collaboration with the Alliance Francaise de Delhi, the Center for Studies and Research on India, South Asia and its Diaspora (CERIAS-UQAM), a screening of an audiovisual recording of the play La Marche de Rama. The play is a scenic adaptation of the Indian epic Ramayana and incorporates various expressive forms including shadow play, cinema, videography, pantomime, dance, puppetry etc.

The screening will be followed by a discussion with Alexis Martin (Artistic Director of the Nouveau Théâtre Expérimental, Montreal), Vijaya Rao (Professor, JNU’s department of French) and Mathieu Boisvert (Director of the CERIAS-UQAM).

In partnership with the Quebec Government Office in Mumbai and CERIAS-UQAM.