TPM Home Sessions “Socially Distanced” Drinks with Macha Gharibian

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Do not miss the TPM Home Sessions Day 90 “Interview” with Macha Gharibian.

Date 22.02.2021
Time 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Platform Facebook:

Pianist, with a delicate touch, classically trained on the piano from an early age, singer, songwriter, composer, arranger, and producer of her own albums, it was through immersing herself in the New York jazz world that Macha Gharibian has created her own universe, achieving a natural blend of all her influences: Armenian ancestry, a Parisian heart, and a New Yorker by adoption, and has forged a personal urban, crossover and modern style. Music is a family tradition inherited from her singer/guitarist father.

Following up on from her first album Mars (2013), released to universal acclaim from the press which predicted: “a bright future” (Libération) for Macha, her second album Trans Extended (2016) placed her music in the unclassifiable category, with a style which can only be her own, combining elements of oriental jazz with neo-classical and adventurous pop music.

In recent years she has led her various ensembles in concerts in France and abroad, including performances in Ottawa, New York, Bogota, Cali, Moscow, Erevan, Kabul, Shanghai, Beijing, Taïwan, Belgrade, Skopje, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Zurich, Brussels, Constantine.

Like a series of self-portraits through music and words, the titles on her third record Joy Ascension (2020), together make up the manifesto of a free woman and an artist of her time. When her singing surges to the forefront of her atmospheric piano playing, her volcanic voice places her in the school of natural vocalists, this very select club which ranges from Nina Simone to Jeanne Lee to Mélissa Laveaux.