Alliance Francaise International Photography contest – 7th Edition


May 8, 2017 - June 16, 2017    
9:00 am - 6:00 pm


Ashok Amphitheatre
The Ashok 50 B, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, Delhi, 110021

Event Type

The Alliance Française de Delhi is proud to participate in the Fondation Alliance Française photo contest once more.

The theme for the 7th edition of this contest is “Fashion and Dress Codes”

The purpose of this contest is to show the extent and the wealth of heritage, of contemporary creativity, and of innovations all over the world. Just like the last six editions, it aims to showcase the diversity of the world.

The artistic quality, as well as the originality of the works, will be appreciated by the Paris-based jury.

This contest is open to anyone who is legally a major in their country of origin.

By entering the contest, each participant will be bound by these present rules. Any failure to obey the rules will result in a candidate’s participation being cancelled.

Final date to submit your work: 16th June 2017


  • The “Grand Prize Winner” will be invited to spend one week to Paris.
    Airfare (economy class round- trip), lodging (youth hostel category or the equivalent) for one week in Paris, and per diem at €40/day will be provided to the “Grand Prize Winner” by the Fondation Alliance Française.
  • Some of the photos submitted by the “Grand Prize Winner” and the “Finalists” selected by the jury, will be exhibited in a group exhibition in a Parisian art space chosen by the Fondation Alliance Française and/or at the gallery of the Fondation.


– Participation in the competition is free and open to all non-professional and semi-professional photographers aged 18 and above. Please note that professional photographers who are recognised for their artistic work and who make their living exclusively from it are not allowed to participate.

– Participants will need to submit two digital files formatted to TIFF (.tiff) or JPEG (.jpeg) with a resolution of 300 DPI

– Participants must guarantee that the photos submitted are originals not previously published (the reproduction of existing works is forbidden) and that they hold exclusive rights to the use of their work.

The Entry form needs to be filled in and forwarded along with each of the photograph that is being sent by the participants.

  1. Fill in the Entry Form that needs to be forwarded with both photos:  Entry form
  2. Submit your Participation Entry Form to [email protected], along with two photographs through the following website with subject line: “Fashion and Dress codes” until 16th June 2017. Please note that the entries should be sent till JUNE 16th. Entries sent after June 16th will not be considered.