BIBI TANGA With Thakita


March 24, 2018    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Event Type


Bibi tanga a singer/producer from Paris was looking to incorporate Indian folk and tribal style music into his upcoming production. He discussed the idea with Mr. François Grosjean and director of Alliance Française Trivendrum. François grosjean introduced Bibi Tanga to John Anthony a veteran guitarist/producer and the founder of the band Karnatriix. The three of them discussed the possibilities of a new genre! Bibi flew to India to meet John Anthony with the idea of composing a couple of songs together. To add a flavor of rhythem and groove, John Anthony regrouped with his longtime friend Sunil Kumar a percussionist/singer for this production. Rahul a bassist/flutist/DJ was also finding a place in the composing sessions.

Together the three of them formed the band Thakita (three syllables of Indian rhythm denoting the three members of the band). In a week’s time they ended up arranging five songs with a blend of Central African Sangho and Indian Malyalam folk. They even managed to finish recording the rough tracks.