Initial release: April 9th, 2014
Director: Jean Denizot
Running time: 1h33min
French with English subtitles
Free Entry. Open to all
Plot: Yves lives a secret life with his sons, Sylvain and Pierre. Ten years ago, he took them away from their mother, after a judicial decision forbidding him to see them. But the boys grow and the endless escape deprives them of their teenagers’ dreams. Hidden on an island of the Loire, Sylvain, the younger, meets Gilda: first look, first love and first step on the way to a good life, of his own.
Yves vit dans la clandestinité avec ses fils, Sylvain et Pierre. Il y a dix ans, il les a soustraits à leur mère à la suite d’une décision de justice. Mais les garçons grandissent et la cavale sans fin les prive de leurs rêves d’adolescents. Caché sur une île de la Loire, Sylvain, le cadet, rencontre Gilda : premiers regards, premier amour et première étape sur le chemin de la belle vie, la sienne.
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