Ciné-Club: Un drôle de paroissien – 2nd Dec, 2015

Ciné-Club: Un drôle de paroissien – 2nd Dec, 2015


December 2, 2015    
7:30 pm


Event Type

un drole de parisien


Initial release: August 28, 1963 :: Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky

Running time: 1h 32min :: French with english subtitles

Free Entry. Open to all

Plot: Georges, fils d’une famille aristocratique et catholique ruinee, croit recevoir un jour une revelation divine: pour subvenir aux besoins des siens, il va piller les troncs des eglises.

Georges Lachaunaye is a young member of an empoverished family of ancient nobility. His lack of financial means and his disdain for labour make him a thief who helps himself by robbing the collection boxes of churches.


For more information write to [email protected]