Cinéclub: screnning of Pauline et François, 27th June, 6.30pm


June 27, 2014    
6:30 pm


Alliance Française de Delhi (M L Bhartia Auditorium)
Alliance Française de Delhi, 72, Lodi Estate, K.K. Birla Lane,, New Delhi, India, 110003

Event Type

Alliance Française de Delhi and Ciné-club



Director : Renaud Fély

Released in 2010

Duration : 1h35 minutes

France – Drama


Friday 27th June, 6.30pm

M.L Bhartia auditorium – Alliance Française de Delhi

French version with English subtitles

Free entry. Open to all. 

Les familles ont des habitudes difficiles à bousculer. Celle de François n’échappe pas à la règle. Autour de lui, personne n’avait prévu l’arrivée d’une femme dans sa vie. Pauline et François s’abandonnent à la promesse d’une histoire aussi belle qu’inattendue.Et ce bonheur les affranchit.

Families find it hard to change their habits. François’ s family is one example. Nobody had thought that a woman could enter his life. Pauline and François give themselves into this love story, meant to be as beautiful as unexpected. This happiness frees themselves from their past…

For more information, write to [email protected]