Duo Cziffra – A four hand piano concert


August 23, 2019    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Event Type

The CZIFFRA duo with four hands and solo piano is composed of two concert pianists, Ludmilla Guilmault and Jean-Nöel Dubois. The duo performs in various recitals around the world, and is the Gold medal winner of the Cziffra foundation.

About the program:

The program commences with Brahms‘ tunes of late romantic era, Chopin’s mazurkas, Polish and Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsodies, who have mixed genres by exploiting the formal possibilities of scholarly music on folklore themes… and will end with Satie to share with the public, the most fantastic work with 4 hands “the beautiful eccentric” to relive the beautiful 1920s. With this concert, the artists pay homage to the French composer Satie on his 150th birth anniversary.