Our objective is to use artwork to raise awareness about global human trafficking, particularly of children. Our approach is inspired by the documentary Not My Life, the first film to depict the cruel and dehumanizing practices of human trafficking and modern slavery on a global scale. In line with the vision of Worldwide Documentaries president Robert Bilheimer, Not My Life director, and Oscar-nominee, we believe drastically raising social awareness on human trafficking is critical to the mobilization of citizens and decision-makers to fight this human predicament globally.
Released in 2012, Not My Life (notmylife.org) is the first film to depict the cruel and dehumanizing practices of human trafficking and modern slavery on a global scale. Filmed on five continents, in a dozen countries, Not My Life takes viewers into a world where millions of children are exploited, every day, through an astonishing array of practices including forced labor, domestic servitude, begging, sex tourism, sexual violence, and child soldiering.
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