Film & Discussion : In her Words | 6th October 2016 | 6pm


October 6, 2016    
6:00 pm


Event Type

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“In her words” is a unique 75 minute documentary that deals with women in literature, and consequently with the feminist literature. It is trying to look at women’s rights, concerns and freedom, as reflected in literature.

“Identity is a very fluid and contextual construct. Caste may be most important outside the household, for instance, but within a household, womanhood may be her primary identity. And sometimes, the opposite might be true. However, all the women in the film have written about the feminine and female experience of life.” – Annie Zaidi

About the speakers, Urvashi Butalia is pioneer in Indian feminism (and has also been interviewed in the documentary). She is the co-founder of the first Indian publishing house have published the books written by women (Kali for Women), and founder of Zubaan. Sukrita Paul kumar is a professor of gender issues in Delhi, poet and painter whereas Uma Chakravati is a historian and feminist activist.