Film Screening: I’Iceberg followed by discussion


March 17, 2023    
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type

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Under the framework of  Francophonie celebrations
organise by Alliance Française de Delhi,

Delhi Accueil

Film Screening of L’Iceberg

followed by an interactive discussion Frank Bruno

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#FF0000″ color=”#235bd4″ size=”9″ text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Click here to register[/su_button]

Date Friday, 17th March 2023
Time  6:00 PM
Venue ML Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Française de Delhi,
72, KK Birla Lane, Lodi Estate, New Delhi – 110003

[su_heading size=”16″ align=”left” margin=”10″]About the documentary film[/su_heading]

Enlisted in the army at 18, Frank Bruno lost a leg on the aircraft carrier Foch during the Lebanon war while trying to help a soldier less experienced than him.

Devoured by rage and a deep sense of injustice, he then decided to live as a hermit on his small boat, Le Cabochard, anchored on the Lavezzi Islands, in the extreme south of his native Corsica. There, in the wilderness, he makes a slow return to human life and manages, twenty years later, to finally soothe his pain and accept his life.

Having become an explorer, adventurer and writer, he falls in love with Greenland during a solitary kayaking expedition, as well as with the Kalaalek people who pay no attention to his handicap. It is near them, in a tiny blue house, that he decides to settle down every summer to welcome other “in the face of life” like him, young men and women with leg amputations or of freedom, to whom he hopes to prove that life, even brutal, remains a miracle.

The ICEBERG is an ode to rare and intense encounters with the living in what is wildest and most marvelous to transmit.

Open to all | First come first serve