Independent Cinema: Septemebr 2023


September 22, 2023    
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type


By projecting independent film screenings, Alliance Française de Delhi in collaboration with Aravali International Film Festival demonstrates its commitment to promoting artistic expression, cultural diversity, and providing a platform for emerging talents. Through its dedication to showcasing unique and thought-provoking films, the institution contributes to the growth and appreciation of independent cinema within its community and beyond.

Date: Friday, 22nd September 2023

Time: 6 pm


  • Madan Veri-breath of the Ghasis

Indian film Directed by Somnath Mondal

Duration: 33  minutes

Synopsis: This Docu-Fiction film is a factual documentation of the struggle to preserve the culture & heritage of Madan Veri alias ‘Turi’, a metallic blowing instrument producing a very loud and distinct sound, played by a singular sub-caste called ‘Ghasis’ during specific Hindu rituals or delivering some messages since centuries in the Manbhum region of the state of Jharkhand and West Bengal, India. The Ghasis (considered untouchables) are very poor. Their main occupation is playing Madan Veri besides animal husbandry (especially pig rearing) and working as agricultural labourers. People of Manbhum believe that the loud sound of Madan Veri is a clarion call to God from the earth, an appeal for all-encompassing blessings starting from the long life of the newborn to the safe passage of souls after death The Ghasis are generally called upon to play Madan Veri at rice ceremonies, marriage, funeral processions, Shraddh ceremonies, etc. However, with the advent of loudspeakers, orchestra, and DJ music, Madan Veri has lost its importance and sheen. Hence, many Ghasis are trying new professions or moving to other states as migrant labourers, for lack of a call for performing Madan Veri. Naturally, Madan Veri players have reduced significantly, now it’s hard to find one in need.

But a few Ghasis remain still dedicated and sincere in holding on to this age-old family tradition of fighting poverty. Herein lies the eternal dilemma of an artist – to choose a settled well-paid profession or to pursue the traditional culture. Time will say whether this giant wind instrument survives or is lost forever.


2. Rosalie and Cesar:

French film directed by Joan Borderie

Duration: 23 minutes.

Synopsis: In a small Mediterranean island village, it’s the last day of the last summer, of Rosalie, 18, at her father’s, César, 80. With her baccalaureate in hand, Rosalie will leave in a few hours to continue her studies in London. But that day, Rosalie and César lose their dog, Neptune. As they set off together in search of him, the tensions and the unspoken resurface.