Juggling and Dance: Métamorphoses by François chat


October 11, 2017    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Event Type

Métamorphoses is a solo juggling piece on “Metamorphosis” a creation of Philip Glass. Seven little scenes based on the repetition of metamorphoses, subtle variations of time. Skin transformations, “beech” modifications. Metamorphosis: a change of physical form into another. Complete change of being, a person’s character, the structure of things.
transformation of the body and lifestyle, in the course of development. Like for some animals…
This study is an effort against juggling, against the spectacle. There is a kind of symbiosis of minimalism in juggling with music. For these “metamorphoses”, I am not looking for original inventions, that means, I am not looking for the prowess in a technique, nor the prowess in creating extraordinary, never-heard-of figures. I am not interested in discovery, rather in rediscovery that happens in a simple throw of balls.
This requires an inwardness, forgetting the balls… To plunge into infinite juggling to come out of it.

The inside transforms the outside. To work on listening, listening to suspension, suspend transformation, transform the invisible…to hypnotise. Apparitions in light, disappearing and reappearing in another form. Seven metamorphoses, like the seven days of the week, like the seven steps of transformation.

François Chat is an actor dancer-juggler, director. Mixing dance and juggling, since the creation of Clip-Clop in 1993 and L’oeuf du vent in 1996, to the most recent shows like Le Sacre du Printemps des rues in 2009, Francois Chat is both a remarkable juggler and a motion theatre artist. He divides his time between Paris and Venice, established the … et Compagnie and developed shows in a Venetian monastery, CTR (Centro teatrale di Ricerca) as a guest artist since 1999. Francois Chat regularly creates content for international theatres or festivals; with his unclassifiable style, he is the creator of more than fifteen works.