Library Fest 2021 – Art appreciation workshop on French artist Claude Monet


August 27, 2021    
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Event Type

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The Alliance Française Delhi Library is conducting a special online Art Workshop under ‘Library Fest 2021’ on the legendary French painter, Claude Monet, and his painting style, for pan-Indian school students. It is being organized in partnership with the Institut Français India, Alliance Française Katmandou, and Alliance Française Libraries from all over India.

This fun activity will be a good learning experience for all learners. Look forward to an hour Art Appreciation Workshop based on the works of famed artist, participants can also take part in fun painting session; during this one-hour session, in which, we will talk about artist’s life, his style of work and what made him so famous and try out our hands-on his painting techniques.

This workshop will take place on Saturday, 27st August 2021 (2:30 pm to 3:30 pm IST).

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The medium of instruction will be English. It will be followed by a workshop on painting.

Eligibility: Students between the age of 8 to 14 years are invited to join.

Prior to joining the workshop, students need to have the following items handy:

  • A4  250 g sheets (cut in half: 2 x A5 per child)
  •  A3 sheet 210g for the background
  •  Draft paper (a few sheets per child)
  • Brushes (fine and broad)
  • Cotton wool
  • Cotton buds
  •  Water cups
  •  Palettes
  •  Primary gouache (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) + white
  •  HB pencils (one per child)
  •  Eraser (one per child)
  • Glue stick
  •  Hand wipes

Note: Students may wear an apron to avoid any color tripping and use plastic sheets or newspapers to cover their tables.

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Who was Claude Monet? [su_divider size=”5″]

Claude Monet is a 20th-century painter who is the founder of `impressionism, who helped pioneer the painterly effects and emphasis on light, atmosphere, and Plein air technique that became hallmarks of Impressionism. The term “Impressionism” is derived from the title of his painting Impression, `rising sun` exhibited in 1874 in the first Salon.
He is especially known for his series of haystacks and cathedrals at different times of day, and for his late Waterlilies (which is also one of the most famous and expensive works of Monet).