Memory Lane

Memory Lane


March 5, 2015    
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Event Type


Memory Lane

Thursday, 05th March 2015, 6.30PM
M.L Bhartia Auditorium – Alliance Française de Delhi
Free entry – Open to all
artoff4386Initial release: 24/10/2010
Director: M.Hers
Running time: 98 minutes
French with English Subs.


Late August, early September, the twentysomething characters of Mikhael Hers’s Memory Lane come together in the Parisian suburb where they grew up. Some still live there, while others, like migrating birds, are drawn back by the inviting weather—or, like any good son or daughter, the whims and pains that afflict their parents. An ode to looking out windows, at least for part of its running time, the film builds a mood of nostalgia from its scarcely florid fixation on atmosphere: the blustery wind, chirping insects, a gorgeous hilltop view of distant Paris. Blink and you’ll miss a shot of the seven friends, as children, strolling through the literal manifestation of the film’s title: a stretch of grassland surround by trees where they obviously played and romanced, pondering where they would be in their twenties. Did they wonder, though, if their lives would stay exactly the same?

Un été, sept amis de 25 ans se retrouvent à passer quelques jours dans la ville qui les a vus grandir. Chacun a ses raisons d’être là : certains y vivent encore, d’autres y reviennent pour des raisons familiales ou pour y chercher les traces d’une adolescence tenace, d’autres pensent peut-être y trouver l’amour… Alors que les journées filent sous le bleu profond du ciel d’août, chacun porte en lui l’intuition que ces moments partagés sont peut-être les derniers.




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