‘Sangam’ – A Sattriya dance recital by Oonmona Das & Perrine Legoullon.


July 7, 2023    
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Event Type


You are cordially invited for ‘Sangam’ – A Sattriya dance recital by Oonmona Das & Perrine Legoullon.

Date: Friday, 7th July 2023
Time: 6:30 PM
Venue: ML Bhartia Auditorium, AF Delhi

The evening will be an offering to both the Sattriya tradition as well as the France-India friendship. This dance recital will include solo and duet compositions, displaying a variety of traditional choreographies, along with explanations in French and English. This will be a unique opportunity for all audiences to discover this rich tradition through the universal language of dance.”

“Sattriya, a tradition born out of a need to close differences between people towards complete bhakti (devotion) and surrender, has time and again opened doors for more practitioners. Oonmona’s and Perrine’s journey into this unique classical art form from Assam (Northeast India) has brought them together as individuals, as well as dancers committed to take the tradition forward.