Western Classical: TRIO ZADIG

Awarded 11 international prizes, the Zadig Trio captivates audiences with its virtuosity, elegance and irresistible enthusiasm. The Trio was founded in 2014 when childhood friends Boris Borgolotto & Marc Girard Garcia crossed paths with the American pianist Ian Barber. In just a few years the French & American Trio has become very successful: following in the footsteps of other renowned ensembles, it has won several competitions (1st prize of the FNAPEC, 2nd prize of the Fischoff) and performed all over the world, from the USA to the Republic of Congo. Wigmore Hall, Shanghai City Theater and Paris’ Philharmonic are just some of the prestigious concert halls the Trio has played in. In parallel with its demanding schedule the Zadig Trio has met with great artists who have contributed to the development of its m sical expression, notably Ivry Gitlis and Menahem Pressler. The trio is a resident of the Queen Elizabeth Music Chapel alongside the Artemis Quartet. It is also the first resident of ProQuartet and is supported by the Banque Populaire Foundation.