My French Film Festival

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MyFrenchFilmFestival is back for its 12th edition!! It’s an innovative concept to shine a spotlight on new generation French-language filmmakers. It gives Internet users across the globe the chance to share their enthusiasm for French cinema.

From 14th January to 14th February, watch the best of new-generation French cinema from the comforts of your home.

The festival has 30 films on offer: features and shorts, divided into thematic sections like French and Furious, Troubled Identities, A Cinema of Desire amongst other.

Watch and vote

  • Ten feature films and ten short films are presented in competition.
  • Rate these films and post your comments on the website.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”3d” background=”#1e86e0″ color=”#ffffff” size=”10″]Watch & Vote[/su_button]

Viewing fees

  • Short films are free.
  • Feature films cost €1.99 each. Festival Pack: €7.99 for access to all available films.

How to watch?

  • Register at
  • Festival dates: from January 14 through February 14, 2022
  • Language: the movies are in French with English subtitles

Check out the selection of films and don’t forget to vote for your favourite films! #myfff2022