Romanian Film – Domestic

Under the framework of La Semaine de la Francophonie
organise by Alliance Française de Delhi,

The Embassy of Romania in Delhi


(VO with English subtitles)

Date Friday, 25th March, 2022
Time  6:30 PM
Venue ML Bhartia Auditorium, Alliance Française de Delhi,
KK Birla Lane, Lodi Estate, New Delhi – 110003


Initial Release: 2012
Director: Adrian Sitaru
Running Time: 82 mins

Synopsis: Wonderfully surreal, painfully real, “Domestic” is a story about people who eat the animals they love and animals which unconditionally love the people. A rabbit, a chicken, a cat, a dog and a pigeon are passing through the lives of the main characters, influencing their development. With an outstanding imaginary, but also a painful truth, Domestic is the story of the children, adults and animals who live together hoping for a better life… It is all about us, people who sometimes eat the animals they love and the animals that love people unconditionally.

Free Entry | Limited seats | All are Welcome

For more information, kindly write us at @[email protected]