When They Love You Like That | Music Concert


To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the ÉlyséeTreaty of Franco-German friendship, We are delighted to invite you to

When They Love You Like That

a musical evening featuring the trio Lilanoor Ensemble

Venue: India Habitat Centre, 

Date: Friday, 15 September 2023

Time: 7:30 pm.

Performed by three versatile French classical musicians influenced by various genres, this program immerses the performers in the decadent universe and in the realistic and expressionist aesthetics of Paris and Berlin cabarets, through the perspective of a woman, lost in the middle of the patriarchal system of that time. The originality of the project lies in the arrangements for accordion, piano and voice of masterpieces from the Lied, French Art Song and cabaret/café-concert pieces. Through this rather unusual trio, they glorify a very beautiful repertoire, resonating with some texts and poems by famous authors of that time.

Entry is free for all