Survival Kit for France July 2023

Don’t go to France without the minimum:

Short Course face to face Survival kit  (3o hours )

Are you traveling to France ? For higher studies, for a short period work assignment or for tourism.You do not speak French yet and would like to start communicating in the local language in restaurants, supermarkets, be able to make a reservation, etc.

The French Survival Kit Course is designed for those with no prior knowledge of the language, starts in French from the first instant and is built around a story that involves the kinds of day to day activities that are often neglected in literary-oriented language courses.

This is a better way to obtain so rapidly the knowledge of day-to-day French.

The course covers basic French structures, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions, and patterns of pronunciation. Throughout the course, both written and oral communicative skills are emphasized.

The course is also designed for students who have studied French previously, allowing them to refresh their language skills, particularly their communicative abilities.

  • Introduce yourself and others.
  • Participate in simple conversations on health, family, weather and vacations.
  • Ask and give directions.
  • Make and respond to simple requests.
  • Ask for opinions and give opinions.
  • Describe a person, event or situation.
  • Express about your likings.
  • Discuss aspects of the culture of France.
  • Use appropriate strategies for clarification.
  • Able to reserve the train / air ticket, a hotel room and more…

Dates: 03/07/23 to  21/8/23  (Monday and Thursday)

Time: 11:30 t0 13:30

Mode: Face to Face.

Fees: 8300 Rs. (18% GST included) and new student membership of 800 Rs.

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